This week at Uturn JH we discussed that Jesus is our only Savior of the sins in our lives. No matter what we've done or how bad we might think we are, through faith in Jesus we can be forgiven for our sins and be given a fresh start.
To remind us of our need for Jesus we decided to put out a week long challenge to any students and leaders in Uturn JH that wish to join us. We've each committed to putting a small pebble in our shoe until Wednesday, June 8th. During that time we'll feel the discomfort of the small rock as it rubs into our feet, but that tiny rocky annoyance will serve as a reminder for each of us that we are nothing without Jesus and we each desperately need him in order to be in right relationship with God. You might even find yourself reflecting on your life and realizing that there is an area of sin in your life currently that you need to repent of. While to some it may seem like a silly or insignificant challenge, we think it will be a great reminder of our need for Christ in our life, and that's something we never want to forget about.