This week at Uturn JH we talked about the importance of establishing a lifestyle of prayer. Prayer should be viewed as a critical part of our life because prayer is about talking with God about everything going on in your life. It has been said before that "prayer is powerful" but I would say that
the God we pray to is powerful. Not only is God capable of answering your prayers, but he earnestly cares about you and what's going on in your life.
Prayer doesn't have to be contained to a certain room or sound a certain way or require a certain posture of your body.
Prayer is about talking with God and as Christ followers it is vital that we constantly communicate with God. Your prayers throughout the day may be prayers of praise, prayers of confession, prayers of thankfulness, or maybe its a prayer requesting God to do something in your life or the lives of others. Prayer should characterize our lifestyle and as Paul says to the Thessalonians we need to
"PRAY CONTINUALLY". (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
In order to help us remember to pray we've created a
YourTurn challenge that will be very helpful. For one week we're encouraging everyone to carry a penny in their pocket and every time they feel that penny, see that penny, or take that penny out of their pocket they should take a moment to pray about anything on their mind. Our hopes is that one cent can inspire a student to begin having frequent conversations with God. They don't have to be long winded or sound super spiritual; just PRAY.