The discussions of sexual purity will include conversations about such topics as abstinence, entertainment choices, pornography, dating, marriage, lust, fantasy, creating healthy boundaries, masturbation and the purpose of sex. Not only do students need to have these conversations and understand what the Bible says about our sexual purity, but they need to understand why sexual purity is important.
Here’s an outline of the Jr. High Sexual Purity Series
- October 11th – “Commercialized Sex” (Sex in the Media/Culture)
- October 18th – “Distorted Sex” (Homosexuality)
- October 25th – “Flirting with Sex” (How Far is Too Far?)
- November 1st – “Godly Sex” (Dating and Marriage)
- November 7th and 8th – Purity Ceremony in Main Auditorium
Remember, to conclude Purity Month we honor and celebrate the students’ decision to live in purity by having them participate in a purity ceremony during one of the services on the weekend of November 7th and 8th.
This year we’re trying something new in that each week there will be a corresponding worksheet for each student to complete. These worksheets will have activities to complete, questions to answer, Bible verses to read and memorize, and hot topics to have conversations with friends and family members. These simple worksheets are included to ensure comprehension of why sexual purity is important and understanding why they want to make this commitment.
Expectations for Purity Month Participants
- Attend all 4 weeks
- Complete all 4 corresponding worksheets
- Purchase a purity ring (Available at Christian bookstores or local jeweler)
- Attend Purity Ceremony at one of the three weekend services
Please let me know if you're interested in participating this year.
May God bless you and your family during this season.
Jr. High Pastors