The theme this year for the Jr. High Summer Camp was "ONE" meaning that we have ONE faith in ONE God who leads us to ONE hope for ONE way towards salvation. This year there were about 12 different churches from around the Puget Sound area participating in our JH summer camp.
All Camp Photo 2010
Uturn JH Group Photo
Camp this year was an amazing experience for everyone involved. God did an amazing work of building friendships and connecting students through safe and fun fellowship together. Students got to play paintball, swim in the lake, blob each other to new heights, and have a blast doing other activities.
Uturn JH Group Photo
Camp this year was an amazing experience for everyone involved. God did an amazing work of building friendships and connecting students through safe and fun fellowship together. Students got to play paintball, swim in the lake, blob each other to new heights, and have a blast doing other activities.
At camp this year we had 4 different local youth pastors as the speakers for the evening sessions. It was awesome to witness students having real and authentic encounters with the living God. Students made decisions to follow Jesus, others received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, many were encouraged and prayed for. Lives were transformed as students entered into dynamic times of worship, teaching, Bible study and cabin discussions.