Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer Camp 2010

The theme this year for the Jr. High Summer Camp was "ONE" meaning that we have ONE faith in ONE God who leads us to ONE hope for ONE way towards salvation. This year there were about 12 different churches from around the Puget Sound area participating in our JH summer camp.
All Camp Photo 2010
Uturn JH Group Photo

Camp this year was an amazing experience for everyone involved. God did an amazing work of building friendships and connecting students through safe and fun fellowship together. Students got to play paintball, swim in the lake, blob each other to new heights, and have a blast doing other activities.

At camp this year we had 4 different local youth pastors as the speakers for the evening sessions. It was awesome to witness students having real and authentic encounters with the living God. Students made decisions to follow Jesus, others received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, many were encouraged and prayed for. Lives were transformed as students entered into dynamic times of worship, teaching, Bible study and cabin discussions.
Keep your eyes and ears open for upcoming events with Uturn JH like Winter Camp, our Mexico Mission trip or next year's Summer Camp.

The Edge: Fall Season

The Edge Fall Season is almost here and we don't want you to miss out.
We kickoff the new season on Tuesday, September 14th
When is The Edge:
Tuesdays 3:30-5pm
Wednesdays 3:30-7:30pm
Who can participate:
Any JH student that wants to help Uturn JH, learn more about Jesus and get connected with other Uturn JH students.
How do I sign up?
Fill out a packet and turn it in with the $40 fee by Tuesday Sept. 14th
What The Edge did this Summer...
This past summer The Edge had 13 participants who were challenged all summer to put their faith into action. We did service projects at 5 different churches which included landscaping at Northwest Foursquare Church in Federal Way and Lifepoint Church in Des Moines. We teamed up with the youth interns from Grace Church in Federal Way and cleaned up around a low income apartment complex. On one afternoon we helped Lake Sammamish Foursquare Church in Bellevue reorganize their closets and classrooms. Lastly on a summer evening we assisted New Hope Seattle in Shoreline host a community outreach event.
Not only did the students learn to serve other churches, but they also helped in their local community. We distributed hundreds of fliers advertising our 1st ever Fireworks stand; as well as volunteering countless hours at the Fireworks stand the week before July 4th. Each week this group of students made sure Uturn was setup and ready for our weekly service and assisted in the cleanup process.

Over the course of the summer they also had great group discussions which included such topics as servant leadership, being a leader at home, conflict resolution, spiritual gifts, salvation and personal mission statements. All of our students were challenged to articulate their faith and were better prepared to lead not only in Uturn JH but also in their homes and schools.

Hopefully you won't miss out on this upcoming opportunity to get more involved with Uturn JH. Sign up for the Fall Season of The Edge.

If you have any questions contact Pastor Sean Nault