Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hydrate Your Soul

Do you ever find yourself desiring more from life? Do you have a sense that there's more to life that all that you have now? Does your soul crave something that can't be satisfied by XBOX, Facebook, texting, new clothes, or popularity? This summer Uturn Jr. High took time each week to look at what stops us from answering that thirst of our souls. Believing that our hearts have a longing that can only be satisfied by our Creator, we took the summer to explore what it would like to truly pursue God and HYDRATE OUR SOULS. This teaching series was based on the book, The Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer (click here to buy it on and it really challenged us to abandon any type of spectator faith founded in complacency and laziness. We explored the ideas of battling materialism, dealing with doubt, responding to His presence, silencing ourselves to hear His voice, following God amidst trials or struggles, and finding our true hope and satisfaction in Him alone. Jeremiah 2:13 says, "...they have abandoned me - the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!" These words from Jeremiah clearly articulate what can easily happen after we identify that our heart aches for satisfaction. We encounter a moment of decision, we can either pursue God and seek His answers for life's questions, or we can venture down our own path, substituting God's plan for our own. In the moment our own plan can seem correct, but in the big scheme of things we come to realize that our plans don't truly satisfy, instead they leave our souls still thirsting. This entire series centered around the idea of whether or not we would passionately pursue God in order to quench that thirst in our souls. I would encourage you to buy a copy of Tozer's book and take the time to slowly read through it, it's not a quick and easy read, but it will challenge you in your relationship with Jesus and inspire you to truly HYDRATE YOUR SOUL.

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