Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2012 Mexico Mission Trip: Day 6

Day 6 was the first day of our Vacation Bible School at Hope Chapel Rosarito. The students started the day by continuing our projects around the church, but then in the evening we were ready for all the kids to come and learn about Jesus. The first day of the VBS had 6 kids in attendance and all of them loved it.
VBS began with eating dinner together, we then had a group game where the kids popped balloons and received candy that had been hidden inside the balloons. Our students led the kids in a couple worship songs full of energy and hand motions. Then we began our rotations.
Different students led different rotations. We had a puppet show about the prodigal son, there was a coloring station, we had a small game, and we concluded with a craft. The theme word of the day was LOVE and so all of our rotations and teachings had to do with God's love for us. Our memory verse was 1 John 4:19, "We love because He first loved us."
It was a great day of ministry for the students and the kids. Our team really did an amazing job keeping things organized as they put on the VBS. It was really encouraging to see them not get discouraged when the turn out was lower than expected. They recognize that God is up to good work in this community and sometimes great things start small. We are a part of HCR's first ever VBS and we're a part of starting something for this church that could have lasting results.

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