Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Movie Review: 2012

Winter Retreat 2010

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Mexico Mission Trip 2010
Hurry and get signed up for our Jr. High Mexico Mission Trip. We're headed back down to Rosarito, Mexico for a week of amazing ministry.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Purity Month - Starting Soon

The discussions of sexual purity will include conversations about such topics as abstinence, entertainment choices, pornography, dating, marriage, lust, fantasy, creating healthy boundaries, masturbation and the purpose of sex. Not only do students need to have these conversations and understand what the Bible says about our sexual purity, but they need to understand why sexual purity is important.
Here’s an outline of the Jr. High Sexual Purity Series
- October 11th – “Commercialized Sex” (Sex in the Media/Culture)
- October 18th – “Distorted Sex” (Homosexuality)
- October 25th – “Flirting with Sex” (How Far is Too Far?)
- November 1st – “Godly Sex” (Dating and Marriage)
- November 7th and 8th – Purity Ceremony in Main Auditorium
Remember, to conclude Purity Month we honor and celebrate the students’ decision to live in purity by having them participate in a purity ceremony during one of the services on the weekend of November 7th and 8th.
This year we’re trying something new in that each week there will be a corresponding worksheet for each student to complete. These worksheets will have activities to complete, questions to answer, Bible verses to read and memorize, and hot topics to have conversations with friends and family members. These simple worksheets are included to ensure comprehension of why sexual purity is important and understanding why they want to make this commitment.
Expectations for Purity Month Participants
- Attend all 4 weeks
- Complete all 4 corresponding worksheets
- Purchase a purity ring (Available at Christian bookstores or local jeweler)
- Attend Purity Ceremony at one of the three weekend services
Please let me know if you're interested in participating this year.
May God bless you and your family during this season.
Jr. High Pastors
Friday, September 25, 2009
Popping the Christian Bubble

This last Wednesday we chatted about how Christians are seen as sheltered. People view Christ followers as old-fashioned, traditional, and out of touch with reality. The perception is that the church is looking out into the world and running away from all of its “moral filth and evil.” In our fear we encapsulate ourselves in only what seems godly and righteous and we shun anything that doesn’t fit our high moral standards. This sheltered mentality is evident in the church’s attempts at creating “family friendly” or “safe alternatives” to social norms of our culture. Just look at Godspace or Godtube; we are running away from the things our society is creating and trying to make cheap replicas that are Christ oriented.
When I look at Jesus he wasn’t running around teaching people to take the latest social trends and copy them into more godly alternatives. He was teaching people to go and show the unconditional love of God where it needs it the most. If anything he was against people creating little “holy huddles” or “Christian bubbles.”
Examples of Jesus challenging us to break up the holy huddles:
Matthew 5:13-16
Matthew 9:9-14
Matthew 28:19-20
Acts 1:7-8
Obviously there is a balance to be made, we need solid godly friendships that can support us and challenge us in our relationship with God. I believe we all need that sort of godly network or community of fellow Christ followers. What I am against is us getting so comfortable in our exclusive Christian clubs that we neglect to go spend time with people that need Jesus the most. Jesus didn’t just spend time with people that lived righteous and holy lives. In fact he was so UNSHELTERED that the sinners and outcasts of society were drawn to him. They pursued and sought out his company, and yet Jesus didn’t make moral compromises.
So to break this stereotype of Christians being sheltered we must be committed to living lives of purity and holiness, but we also must put ourselves out there and spend time with people outside of the church. We’ve got to stop retreating from or getting defensive about everything we disagree with. Instead we must start be proactive about bringing the unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness of God in tangible ways. Instead of making Faithbook, use your Facebook account to encourage someone or reach out to someone feeling isolated. Rather than complaining about the use of foul language in your schools, start showing respect to your peers and faculty or maybe start randomly texting encouragements to your friends. In place of commenting on the sexual promiscuity of our culture, take a stand and keep your thoughts, words and actions sexually pure or try to raise money and awareness about the sex slave industry running rampant in our culture.
Challenge yourself to get out of your holy huddle this week and show the love of God in a tangible way.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A Biblical Lesson from Guitar Hero

Obviously this is just a silly game, and I’m proud to admit my wife is better at playing videogames than I am; but as I was playing I was reminded of a biblical proverb.
Proverbs 16:18
“First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.”
(Translation: The Message)
The more I thought about this I not only thought that it clearly depicted my Guitar Hero play, but it can also describe our lives. So often we go through life comparing ourselves to others. We filter through thousands of criteria – hair style, clothing, stores we shop at, music we listen to, TV shows we watch, color of paint on our bedroom walls, tattoos on our bodies, social cliques we’re a part of, sports we play, hobbies we enjoy, the way we laugh, how we walk, and much much more. We are continually judging people and critiquing their appearance, their interests and who they are so that we can see how they’d fit within our status quo.
The tough reality that I’ve come to realize is that every time I compare myself to someone I’m belittling God’s creation. If I compare myself to an individual and think they’re amazing, then I’ll make them the golden standard and the evaluation of my self is going to look inferior. I will start belittling myself and hating who I am because I don’t measure up to that individual. On the other hand if I compare myself to someone and they don’t measure up to my standards then I begin to degrade them. I get prideful and begin to look condescendingly upon that person as if they were inferior to me because of the way they dress, their athletic ability or their intellect.
In all reality, who are we to honestly evaluate and judge others. As Jesus says, in Matthew 7, we have our own issues and flaws and that gives me no right to point a finger at someone or make a quick comparison about their character or identity.
Nothing good is going to happen when we start comparing ourselves to other people. This applies to all facets of life – on our sports teams, in the classroom, within our homes and families, within the church or even as we’re playing Guitar Hero.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Edge - Fall Season Quickly Approaching

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Movie Review: Watchmen

Rating: R for strong graphic violence, sexuality, nudity and language
From the director of 300 comes this over the top action flick full of special effects, gory violence and continual sexual content. This comic book adaptation is about what society would be like if crime-fighting vigilantes were a normal part of the culture. The original group of superheroes or "Watchmen" united in the 1940’s and combat local criminals without the help of the local authorities. The film picks up in 1985 when after decades of Watchmen some have retired and new heroes have risen to power, all of this despite the US governments restrictions on masked vigilantes. After the murder of one of the older Watchmen, some of the current rogue Watchmen reunite and begin an investigation. Their discoveries lead to moral crossroads and dilemmas about whether or not they should intercede and help humanity despite society's rejection of the Watchmen.
Look at your Shoe Moments:
This movie had an absurd amount of violence that was both disturbing and extremely graphic. This "action movie" was as uncomfortable to watch as the current horror/torture movies like the Saw series. Also, there was so much sexuality and nudity that the DVD needed to be fast forwarded constantly. For instance, there are prostitutes on the streets that flash people, some of the Watchmen have sex with each other, and there is a Watchman who is completely CGI, but also completely naked throughout most of the movie.
This film was a complete disappointment not only in content, but in plot and storyline. It was way too long at over 3 hrs running time, but it was slow at times, confusing and had a dud for an ending. Hindsight 20/20 we should have shut the DVD off within the first 30 minutes. A movie like this is totally targeting an audience of young men, but I wouldn’t recommend this movie to anyone, especially not teenagers.
Bottom Line:
Don’t Watch Watchmen
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Edge Service Project
If interested you should sign up for the fall season of The Edge. It takes place from September thru November on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monthly Newsletter: July 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Movie Reviews: UP and The Hangover

Rating: PG for some peril and action.
Pixar has done it again. They’ve gone and made a great animated movie that keeps your attention, makes you laugh out loud and has some sentimental value in the end. In their latest flick we’re taken on a journey of an old man who has recently lost his longtime wife and has been forced to sell his home to a new developer. Instead of giving up and walking off into the sunset at the local retirement home he decides to attach thousands of helium balloons to his house and he heads off to an exotic location that he and his late wife always wanted to live.
This was a great story about seeking adventure in life and pushing yourself to move on to the next season of your life. We don’t want to be people who get so stuck in routine and the monotony of life that we miss out on our dreams and aspirations.
If you have the chance you should totally see this in 3D. It was my first full length feature film in 3D and it was amazing.

Rating: R for pervasive language, sexual content including nudity, and some drug material.
This crude comedy is set in Las Vegas when three friends take a buddy for his bachelor party for a night of partying and regrettable moments. The movie shows the guys heading to Vegas for this great night of debauchery, but then skips over the actual party and picks up the next morning. Three of guys wake up in a drunken stupor and realize that the soon to be groom has gone missing. The remainder of the movie is them trying to figure out what happened the night before and retracing their steps so they can find their missing friend. The thing that really bothered me about this movie is that there was no accountability for their actions. Throughout the film and even in the end; no one has to take any real responsibility for their actions. This frustrated me because real life is full of consequences for our actions and we can’t expect to live in sin without taking responsibility for our choices.
Look at Your Shoes Moments:
The whole movie is filled with crude jokes and lots of swearing, and not only that but there are a few moments of nudity. A lady breastfeeds in front of the guys and in another scene a naked man jumps out of a trunk and starts beating the guys up. The worst scenes of nudity were in the credits when they show pictures of what happened at the bachelor party.
The Hangover is one of those movies that has the lure of comedy and nonstop laughter, but there is a cost to seeing it. You’ve got to really ask yourself, is it worth watching a movie that contradicts many of your values about marriage, purity, and self control. Plus because of the nudity, crude jokes and constant swearing a movie like this could be a stumbling block for many and my recommendation is to avoid it all together.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Bigger than Just You
Recently I had a discussion with my wife April about the topic of David and Goliath and we started looking at the story from a different angle. So often we look at this legendary story with the perspective of our problems, our issues and our hurdles in life. If you look at the story, Goliath is harassing a much larger demographic than just David, he’s taking on all the people of Israel. This got us thinking that instead of just dealing with the “giants” that only affect us personally, what if there were large obstacles, enemies, or issues that were affecting a larger group of people. Such issues as human trafficking, local homelessness, starving families, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, domestic abuse, etc. are all things that affect a larger demographic than just you personally. As Christ followers let’s be people who start stepping up and challenging these issues.
I’m not saying get on your soapbox or pull out a picket sign. I can’t think of anytime when the love of God can be effectively shared through shouting at someone or holding a sign.
What I’m really challenging us to do is start praying about a realistic need that you see in your community, the nation or even the world. Allow God to stir up a passion in your heart for something specific. Then start praying about what you can do to help those affected. Let’s be a people that put our faith into action and show the love of God in genuine and practical ways. So don’t just stop at praying for someone or giving money to an organization, but start taking practical steps to bring about a change. As we start stepping up and making a difference we’ll start seeing the destruction of these “giants” and “Goliaths” in our society that used to seem so immovable and intimidating.
Good Further Reading:
1 Samuel 17
James 2:14-26
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Monthly Newsletter: June 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Join The Edge this Summer

This is a great opportunity for any Jr. High student that wants more out of Uturn.
Don't miss out this summer on a great opportunity to serve Uturn, Eastside Church and the surrounding communities. The Edge is a program created to give students a chance to grow in their relationship with Christ through biblical study, engaging discussions and service projects.
This is not a "LEADERSHIP" program because Jesus doesn't call us to LEAD, he tells us to be his DISCIPLES, which means to FOLLOW him. So during their time in The Edge they learn practical ways to become better FOLLOWERS of Jesus and his people. Besides, the best leaders are usually the best followers too.
The Summer Season goes from June 23rd thru August 26th. Students come in on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons around 2:30pm.
The $40 cost covers all the provided resources for the season. (book, journal, Edge Tshirt, Bible, end of the season party, and a surprise)
If interested you can download and print the Summer Season Application
All Apps and Money are Due: JUNE 21st
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Movie Reviews: Star Trek & Yes Man

Star Trek
This high flying summer blockbuster is a thrill ride from beginning to end. I had the privilege of watching this on the IMAX which because of the huge screen and the bone shaking sound quality it makes you feel like you’re the one hurtling through space on the Enterprise. Some may wonder if they need to be a Trekkie to understand this film, but its definitely made for anyone whether they’re considered half Vulcan or haven’t Trekked much. They did such a good job with the story that anyone can enjoy this film. Its fun to watch the formation of the famous Star Fleet crew and how these legendary characters got into their roles. You learn about the early years of such characters as Captain Kirk and Spock and how they all ended up on the USS Enterprise.
“Look at your Shoes Moments” –
There was one point early on where Kirk’s in bed with a girl and they’re passionately kissing. She’s in her underwear and her roommate comes in as well and she’s in her undergarments too. This scene lasts less than 2 minutes.
Overall this movie is a must see theater movie; you won’t want to settle for DVD on this one. If you enjoy action, humorous one-liners, and a complicated yet intriguing storyline Star Trek is the movie for you.
If you haven’t already you should have Scotty beam you up to the nearest theater to see Star Trek.

We recently watched this Jim Carrey comedy that just hit DVD and Blu-Ray. The basic plotline is that this man who lives a boring and hermit crab lifestyle is confronted by a longtime friend to join a trendy support group. After attending the support group he makes a covenant with himself to say “Yes” to any invitation or proposition thrown his way. Whether its giving a ride to a homeless man, letting someone borrow his cell phone, learning guitar, planning a wedding shower or bungee jumping. As he does this he discovers that life is more enjoyable when you get out of your comfort zone and start experiencing life with others.
It really got me thinking too about saying yes to what God is asking me to do rather than giving him my excuses. As I look for new opportunities and live in obedience there will be a dramatic difference in my daily living.
“Look at your Shoes Moments” –
There are a couple of awkward scenes, swearing and crude jokes are used sporadically, but there is one scene where he’s propositioned to have sexual relations with an older neighbor lady. This was awkward and unnecessary, but could be avoided with a fast forward button.
Overall the movie had its moments of humor and was better than I expected. If your parents object or you’re not a fan of Jim Carrey you’d want to say NO, otherwise I would say YES to seeing Yes Man.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll

For 3 weeks we dialogued about these hot topics in our culture. God did amazing things in the lives of our students and we're beginning to hear some of the stories of freedom. God doesn't want us to live under the influence of anything other than His Spirit. Below are three entries from your Jr. High Adult Volunteers who wanted to share their thoughts on the three topics.
By: April Nault
As young adults, sexuality can be a big factor in discovering our self image. In result we are, experimenting, dreaming, looking, and lusting; and I think everyone can identify with at least one of these words.
Which word are you toying with right now?
Is it looking at things you know you shouldn’t?
Is it dreaming of that guy or girl and getting emotionally attached?
Is it experimenting and pushing that invisible “how-far-is-too-far” line?
I don’t think people realize that these action words cause us to create habits.
A habit by definition is: an action or pattern of behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may be unaware of it.
By letting ourselves experiment with others, dream of others, lust for others, look at others, or fantasize about others we create these habits. And we’ll bring these habits into our relationships down the road and eventually our marriages.
Q: If your future spouse knew about your current sexual choices would you continue living that way or make a change?
Looking back, Sean doesn’t like to hear that I kissed other guys or got emotionally attached to someone. It hurts him because everything I have emotionally and sexually should be aimed at him and him alone. Unfortunately I didn’t control myself or open my eyes to see what choices I was making back then and how they would affect us now.
Remember that your sexuality is not all about you – but that the choices you make affect others.
Regardless of what “action word” you are toying with – we can all ask for forgiveness for the choices we are making. No sin is too great, in fact the Bible says that in God’s eyes all sin is equal – at the foot of the cross no one is greater or lesser for the choices they make! Rest assured God redeems everything for those who love him.
By: Jessie German
When I began junior high, it really seemed like drugs were everywhere. Every time I turned on the radio to my favorite stations, watched the popular movies, or talked with the kids at school; drugs were involved and influenced our lives. I actually remember telling my mother once “Everyone smokes weed, everyone does drugs”. Because of the people I surrounded myself with, I truly felt that way. My junior high years started a rough road for me. At the age of fourteen, I was addicted to cigarettes, smoked weed and went out and drank regularly. Pretty quickly, I ended up going down a steep hill right out of my parents’ house and into out-patient rehab (rehab while living at home) by the age of sixteen. There were some key people involved with my recovery, without them and their love of God, and if I didn’t allow them to help me, I truly have no idea where I would be.
After going through out-patient, my real journey began. By God’s redemption I was given a second chance with a new life. Of course, I was not able to understand this right from the beginning, but slowly God began to show me.
One of the most difficult things about recovery is being able to forgive yourself. If you are not able to take that step, it is guaranteed that you will trip, as I did many times. The beautiful part is that each and every time, God will forgive you and make you new.
Romans 3:22-25”This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood.”If God forgives each and every one of us for our sins, who are we to not forgive ourselves? Just as the verse above says, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are given grace and redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ. No matter our situation, He is the only one faithful. I have found the only way to recover from an addiction is to put your faith in something bigger, and you do not get any bigger than our Lord and Savior.
Romans 6:22-23
”But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
He frees us from our ties and bonds that we tangle ourselves in. In Him you find truth, peace, and wisdom. My life has completely changed since I have fully put my faith in Him. And I have never been happier!
Some questions to think about:
- Is there something in your life that you put your faith in more than God?
- Are there areas of your life that keep you bound?
- Does anyone have any favorite verses of the grace and mercy of God?
By: Duane Cawthon
What’s on your iPod? Does your music choice affect your walk with Christ? Can lyrics really change your perspective? Or are we just a little paranoid and over sensitive about the influence of media on our lives? This Wednesday we began a dialogue on the influence of music in our lives, and how we can begin to make educated choices on what we listen to. It has been said that music calms the savage beast, but can it also create one?
Philippians 4:8 states,
“Finally, my brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”
I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s virtually impossible to think about any of the things listed in this verse when I’m listening to most popular music. Now, this is not to say that so called secular or non-Christian music is all bad. There are thousands of songs that uplift, motivate, encourage, and comfort the soul that you won’t find on any Christian radio playlist. Artists such as Common, Linkin Park, Green Day, and even Tupac have personally encouraged me! I have also identified with the violence, anger, and confusion of some of these same artists.
What should I do then? Erase my iPod? Destroy my CD’s? Stay permanently tuned to a Christian station? Perhaps…Not! I believe selectivity and wisdom is the key. As followers of Christ it is important to guard our hearts and minds. (Rom. 12:2, Eph. 4:23, 1 Peter 3:8) A maturing believer is responsible to take ownership of his or her mental and spiritual well-being. It is our duty then, to review and inspect what we are injecting in to our minds just like we would be careful about what we put in our bodies. How can we accomplish this? The following are a few suggestions.
A) Download and actually READ song lyrics. Review the nutritional label of your music just like you would the nutritional label on your food if you were on a specific diet.
B) Research the artist’s catalogue and personal outlook or beliefs. Many artists are openly and aggressively in opposition to Christianity. Why support their agenda?
C) Actually listen to the song. Instead of mindlessly going on with the latest trend or star, decide who you like and why.
This brings us to a choice. Do we add the song to our playlist? Fast forward through the negative parts? Buy the edited Wal-Mart version? Or find something else to listen to? I can’t make the decision for you; I can only share what I did. Recently I was listening to a Lil Wayne CD while driving. As I began to actually listen to the lyrics and vibes of the songs he was singing, I began to reflect on how this music had begun to influence my family. It was as if I were listening to someone verbally abuse my daughters and wife and we enjoyed it! My son loved to sing Lil Wayne songs with me when we heard them on the radio. How would this shape his view of women? Of drugs? Of life? I wouldn’t consider myself a prude by any means and initially the humor, beats and stories of the music was fun, if, you mentally muted the language it contained. But I began to realize the impact this could have, even in the short term, and I began to feel nauseated, literally. The constant references to cars, clothes, drugs, sex, violence, and derogatory statements about women turned my stomach. I eventually ejected the disk, broke it in half, threw it away, and turned on some Jack Johnson! The choice is yours. Choose wisely! I have to go and evaluate my iPod now…and delete Limewire, but that’s another story!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monthly Newsletter: May 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Read and Talk Back

Am I lazy in my faith?
Am I too comfortable in my faith?
Is my relationship with Jesus a routine?
Am I a spectator Christian?
These questions have been rattling in my brain recently and I’ve been challenged to think that we need to be Christ followers who are willing to step into the unknown. We need to be people who are willing and obedient to go outside of our comfort level. I don’t think truly following Christ means everything is easy, comfortable and safe. For example, welcoming someone outside of your circle of friends isn’t always easy. Forgiving someone who hurt you isn’t always comfortable. Admitting your mistakes and asking for forgiveness can definitely push you out of your comfort zone.
In The Gospel According to Starbucks, Leonard Sweet challenges our lazy Christian mentality by saying, “Imagine how different the Christian life would be if it was understood not as something to ponder or to observe in others – but as the one thing in life that has to be fully experienced.”
Jesus also challenges us to be people of action and he warns us against a safe, comfortable and selfish faith in Matthew 16:24, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow me. If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life.”
I don’t think when Jesus said these words he intended for us to be so comfortable in our faith. Especially when you look at Americans we see a very passive and safe faith that doesn’t want to ruffle feathers or even motivate us to action. We become mere spectator Christians rather than participants. I think we can easily find ourselves sitting in a church service agreeing with everything being preached that fits into our paradigm. But the moment something is said that pushes us to action, contradicts our current perspective or makes us a little uncomfortable we are quick to make excuses like, “well that’s just his interpretation,” or “that’s between them and God, not me.” My fear is that our fear, apathy or laziness could cause us to become “Buffet Christians” who just pick and choose what they want to believe rather than accepting all that we see in God’s Word, in the life of Jesus and what He’s calling us to.
There are many things that God could bring up in a given service that we would simply reject or blow off for one reason or another. Things that may seem a little awkward at first or may cause us to become a more action oriented than usual. Things like fasting, self sacrifice, giving/generosity, serving/volunteering, helping the poor, practicing hospitality, praying aloud, raising our hands in worship, speaking in tongues, getting involved in our church and the local community, asking for forgiveness, giving forgiveness, sharing our faith, inviting someone to church, sexual purity, studying the Bible, prolonged times of prayer, being friendly with people, getting involved with a small group, and the list could go on and on. Some may seem insignificant and simple while others appear way too crazy to be a part of your life. I believe that God wants to teach us and use us in a variety of ways through a variety of different methods, and I think we’re missing out on something if we put God is a safe little box and try to confine Him.
In Communicating for a Change, Andy Stanley had some thoughts on the blessings of being obedient to what God is asking, “Acts of obedience allow our faith to intersect with God’s faithfulness. It is at that intersection that we see God work. And when we see Him work our faith gets bigger.”
That faithful obedience to God’s Word and his guidance is going to stretch us, but it will also bless us. Instead of limiting God’s work in our lives because of our fear or apathy or shear laziness, let’s be a people that push ourselves into the unknown. Let’s be people who through active obedience to God step out of our comfort zones.
Take a few minutes and make a list of the things that would push you out of your comfort zone. Then make realistic and practical goals to do those things over the next three weeks.
Feel free to give us your thoughts. We'd like to know your opinion.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Movie Review: The Day the Earth Stood Still

Despite some cool scenes of visual effects the overall film seemed very unoriginal. And not just because it was a remake. The dialogue, the scenes and even the way it was filmed reminded me of previous movies. There were times that I was reminded of Independence Day, The Happening, The Matrix and Cloverfield. The whole thing just felt like leftovers from these previous movies. The really funny thing is to compare the movie poster's picture of Keanu Reeves with the actual face of Keanu in the movie. There was definitely some work done in Photoshop for those posters because he has definitely aged.
To sum up I would rename this movie, The Day the Plot Stood Still.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Uturn Jr. High Adult Volunteers

Nickname: Naulty
Role @ Uturn: Jr. High Pastor since Jan. '08
Birthday: February 22, 1985
Top Bands: Switchfoot, Coldplay, David Crowder, David Cook, The Fray
Favorite Fast Food: In & Out
1 Goal for your life: Attend the Oscars
Favorite Bible Verse: John 15:16-17
Email: seann@eastsidechurch.org
Twitter: www.twitter.com/seannault
Birthday: April 22, 1986
Top Bands: Goo Goo Dolls, Backstreet Boys, Justin Timberlake, Linkin Park Top TV Shows: American Idol, CSI: Las Vegas, House Hunters
1 Goal for your life: Sing the National Anthem at a sporting event
Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 16:9
Email: apriln@eastsidechurch.org

Role @ Uturn: Adult Volunteer since April '09
Birthday: January 8, 1990
Favorite Holiday: National Lumberjack Day
Top TV Shows: The Office, Arrested Development, Seinfeld, Lost
Mac or PC: MAC!!!
Starbucks or Jamba Juice: Starbucks in the morning, Jamba on pretty days
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Cor. 9:26-27
Email: radiswhereitsat@hotmail.com

Role @ Uturn: Adult Volunteer since July '08
Birthday: July 29, 1988
Top Bands: City & Colour, Tool, Sublime, Jack Johnson
Favorite Gaming Console: Super Nintendo
Starbucks or Jamba Juice: Coffee Always
1 Goal for your life: to finish school
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:38-39 and 1 Corinthians 10:13
Email: jessy_g01@hotmail.com

Nickname: Potts and Pottsy
Role @ Uturn: Adult Volunteer since July '08
Birthday: June 4, 1987
Favorite Holiday: 4th of July
Favorite Fast Food: Quiznos
1 Goal for your life: have a Youtube video of myself get 1,000,000 hits
Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Kings 2:23-24
Email: joshpotts@comcast.net

Nickname: Eyebrows
Role @ Uturn: Adult Volunteer since Sept '07
Birthday: May 21, 1989
Top Movies: Bourne Series, Madagascar
Favorite Gaming Console: Wii
Favorite Fast Food: Taco Bell
Favorite Bible Verse: Colossians 3:23
Email: lindsay.horne07@northwestu.edu
The Needs of Uturn
There are a variety of ways to help out the youth ministry of Eastside Church. There are items that we would hope to add to our Student Center, just remember that if they're used they still need to be in good condition. Or if you'd rather donate your time there are many ways that you can help Uturn.
If you would like to fill one of the listed needs please contact Sean Nault @ 425.488.2500 ext.336 or seann@eastsidechurch.org
Material Needs:
- Snack Vending Machine
- Beverage Vending Machine
- Pinball Machine
- Change Machine - converts dollar bills into quarters
- Videogames (consoles, games, controllers)
- Projectors or TVs
- Boardgames
- Sporting equipment
- Couches
- Ping Pong balls and Paddles
- Decor - posters and cardboard standees
- Home Depot or Lowe's Gift cards for small project materials
Volunteer Needs:
- Video editing (events and funny videos)
- Graphic artist (web, logos, fliers)
- Lighting in the Student Center
- Sound and A/V
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Sunday, April 19, 2009
Movie Review: Twilight

Twilight is a story about a teenage girl, Bella, who moves from Arizona to the rainy Pacific Northwest. As she’s settling into her high school in Forks, WA she meets a very pale companion, Edward. It’s comical how pasty white Edward and his “family” are. They look like they would glow in the dark. As their friendship continues to blossom she discovers that Edward is in fact a vampire and so are his family members. Throughout the remainder of the movie Bella becomes the prey for other vampires, but Edward steps into the role of protector. To be honest not much really happens. You could tell they were just setting it up for the sequel.
Overall the film was kind of a letdown. The storyline barely progressed beyond the discovery of the vampire family and Bella’s continual crush on the blood sucker. Robert Pattinson spends a lot of his time overacting his role as Edward. It seemed like he was trying too hard to be serious and broody instead it looked like he was confused or even constipated. I do give credit to the film makers for their depiction of the Pacific Northwest. The cinematography accurately portrays the rainy, gray feel of Washington that often zaps us of our jovial moods.
It is interesting to think that girls were flocking to the theaters, renting the DVD’s and reading the books due to their infatuation with Edward the vampire. Why would teenage girls fall for a guy badly in need of a tan and who wants to suck your blood. It reminds me of when the prequel Star Wars movies released and girls fell in love with the handsome Anakin, and they were blind to the fact that he portrays the evil Darth Vader. I’m not trying to read too much into it, but I think it’s funny that girls are interested in a guy because of his pretty face rather than what he represents.
In conclusion, I’m just glad I didn’t spend 10 bucks at the theater to see this movie; Twilight wouldn’t even be worth the matinee price. It was worthy of a DVD rental, but even then I probably could have waited.
Don’t buy into the hype, Twilight will suck your high expectations right out of your veins, and leave you disappointed.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Mexico Mission Trip - Day 7
Mexico Mission Trip - Day 6
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mexico Mission Trip - Day 5

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Mexico Mission Trip - Day 4
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mexico Mission Trip - Day 3
After devotions we got to go to Hope Chapel Rosarito's Sunday service. The place was full of people for Palm Sunday and it was awesome to be a part of. The students performed their pantomime and the other half of the team performed their puppet show and interactive story for the little kids. It was a good experience for students to see different ways of doing church and stretching them out of their comfort zones. Praise the Lord we witnessed 2 people make decisions to follow Christ in the service. Many of the students were amazed to see how God can work through people and we didn't even have a long sermon, instead Pastor Sandy shared a short message from her heart.